Sunday, October 11, 2015

Full Metal EA Cards for VS 2PCG, Part 4 (Villains)

My next favorite team, after Guardians, is probably Villains, which has two really good main characters.

Top of the list is Thanos.The Alex Garner art is not my favorite, but it looks terrific inside the silver frame of an L2 card. I've always loved this Brandon Peterson version of Thanos, and it is ideal for the L2 card, because of both the colors and the prominent Infinity Gauntlet.

The team's next best main character is Magneto. Dell'Otto's drawing is predictably awesome, while Mark Brooks's suggests mutant supremacy.

I've yet to try building a Loki deck, but he would be my third pick. I've always liked the Churchill drawing of Loki, and it fits nicely into this frame, highlighting Loki's name. Dell'Otto scores again with the Loki drawing.

The Deodato drawing of Goblin is one of my favorites of this character. That guy puts out incredible work.8 of my 112 cards use his art, most of any one artist, I think. The Hitch piece took a lot of Photoshop work. The Goblin had a curious bluish cast that I didn't care for at all, so I spent a fair amount of time selectively removing it and amping up the green. I like it much better now.

I showed you a slider version of Metal and Fire at the top of the post. It's cool, but works better as a single card version, because the left side of the picture lacks character action. The Keown art shows Thanos putting the hurt on the Avengers.

I've yet to build a deck with Trickster God in it, but my son has, and I hate when he plays it against me. There is absolutely no good art for The Vault. None. This drawing of the Goblin in a cell could be in The Vault, but isn't. Don't tell anyone.

Next up: Villains supporting characters.

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