Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Custom Spidey Cards

I've been trying for a while now to complete my playset of Spider-Man Ultimates without much luck. Two down, two to go. Last night I had the brilliant idea to contact my new friend, the incredibly talented Joey Tufo, about creating a custom card instead. Arguably my best idea ever.

As some of you may know, there is a small group of people who gather on Facebook to share their custom card designs, and they do some truly amazing work. They design their cards using a program called Magic Set Editor 2, which is free to download, as are the card templates that they use. Not satisfied with mere theory, Joey takes things one step farther. He actually prints his designs out on transparencies, then attaches them to actual foil Vs. cards that have been stripped with acetone.

The result is a custom foil Vs. card that looks like the real thing. The picture above is of a card in the process of being stripped. The picture below is of a finished Crime Lords deck that someone commissioned from him, based on a list of mine from years ago.

If you are interested, check out the VS System Custom Designs group. Joey is not the only one in the group doing great work, but he is my personal favorite, mainly because of the Spidey card design shown above (which he knocked out in just a few minutes after I sent him the image), and the picture (below) that he sent me a little while ago of my soon-to-be cards fresh from the printer. Someday very soon, I will have the coolest Spidey Stall deck in the world...

To give you a better idea of why I'm so enamored with all this, here's another example of Joey's work. It's hard to pick a favorite, but this Silver Surfer slider just might be it.

Then again, there's the Guardians of the Galaxy version of Mobilize...

Not to mention the Puny God version of Savage Beatdown. So many great ones to choose from.

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